Terms and Conditions of Private Services

Terms and Conditions of Private Services

These Terms and Conditions apply to all private services provided by PUQ Sp. z o.o. (referred to as "PUQ") and are effective from March 27, 2023, superseding the previous PUQ Service Terms and Conditions.

  1. General Provisions and Definitions
    1. The following terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall have the following meanings:
      1. Terms and Conditions: These PUQ Service Terms and Conditions, which define the rules for the provision and use of the PUQ Service.
      2. Client: A legal entity that must have a registered tax identification number (NIP).
      3. Full service activation: After the Client has paid the Subscription Fee, they will receive full access to the service through the client panel and/or server panel.
      4. Subscription Fee: The fee paid by the Client for the provision of services by PUQ, based on the proforma document sent by the Contractor to the Client's email address and available in the client panel. The Client pays the Subscription Fee in advance for the entire Subscription Period.
      5. Subscription Period: The duration for which the service is purchased from PUQ. The Client pays the subscription fee in advance to the Contractor based on the proforma document.
      6. Service: PUQ service.
      7. Additional Services: Services provided by PUQ to customers who have purchased a service. The list of additional services is available on the website at https://puq.pl/knowledgebase/1/Uslugi-dodatkowe.html.
      8. Client Panel: Upon completing the registration process, the client receives access to the main panel where they can manage services, submit requests, and view accounting documents. The client panel also provides specific access to the purchased services, such as the server panel. The client panel is granted once to each individual client for the entire duration of at least one active service.
      9. Server Panel: Some purchased services provide access to an additional server panel where specific settings and functionalities of the respective service can be managed directly. For example, for hosting services, this panel allows managing email accounts, FTP, backups, databases, etc. The client may have multiple server panels depending on the quantity and characteristics of the purchased services.
      10. Software: Software to be installed on the client's devices, constituting an integral part of the Service.
      11. End User: An employee or collaborator of the Client for whom the Client has created an access account to use the Service.
      12. Data Stored in the Service: Data placed by the Client or End Users in the Service.
    2. These Terms and Conditions establish the conditions for the use and access to the Service. By using the Service, the Client and End Users agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
    3. By using the Service, the Client agrees to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Terms of Service
    1. In order to order and manage the services provided by PUQ sp. z o.o. (referred to as "PUQ"), it is required for the Client to create an account in the system at https://puqcloud.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Client Panel").
    2. By registering an account in the https://puqcloud.com system, the Client gains access to the Client Panel, which offers the following capabilities, among others:
      1. Ordering new services
      2. Reviewing available active services along with the details of each service, such as utilized capacity, transfers, login addresses, password changes, etc.
      3. Accessing a list of accounting documents
    3. Accessing the technical support ticketing system
    4. Upon successful ordering and payment for a service, the Client will be electronically notified of the service status.
    5. The private service provisioning period is up to 7 business days, counted from the date of placing the order until full activation of the service. Some services may require additional deployment at the Client's premises, which is independent of the service activation itself and requires separate arrangements.
    6. Access to and usage of the subscribed service may vary depending on the specific service. Access details are provided in the client's panel within the section dedicated to the respective service.
    7. Access to the service is possible from anywhere in the world through an internet connection that enables network communication with the service and file transfer to or from a computer or device compatible with the service. The delivery of an internet connection or the responsibility for its operation is not covered by this agreement.
    8. PUQ will adhere to technical standards and security measures to transmit, store, and process the Client's data. These measures aim to protect data integrity and safeguard against unauthorized or unlawful access, utilization, and processing.
    9. PUQ will update the service. If PUQ makes changes to the service that significantly limit its functionality, PUQ will notify the Client via the email address provided in the client panel.
    10. The services allow the Client and End Users to download software, which may update automatically. If any component of the software is offered under an open-source license, PUQ will provide that license to the Client, and to the extent that the provisions of that license grant the Client additional rights, those provisions will explicitly supersede some of the terms of this agreement regarding that software component.
    11. Hereby, during the term of this agreement, PUQ grants the Client a limited, non-exclusive license to use the software solely in connection with the service and in accordance with this agreement. This license is non-transferable, irrevocable, and non-sub-licensable. The price for this license is included in the monthly subscription fee.
    12. Prior to providing the service, PUQ may require the Client to verify ownership or control of the domain specified for service provision. If the Client does not own or control the specified domain, PUQ will not be obligated to provide the service to the Client.
  3. Client's Rights and Obligations
    1. The Client bears full responsibility for managing the service, stored data and content, and the consequences of their actions.
    2. Upon subscribing to the services, PUQ grants the Client exclusive management rights over the services. PUQ does not assist in the Client's actions, the data stored in the service, decisions regarding data usage, or verify their content.
    3. The Client is solely responsible for configuring and managing the subscribed service (e.g., account configurations, access management, calendars, etc.). To ensure the proper functioning of the services, the Client is required to collaborate and provide all necessary data to PUQ employees for configuration, such as DNS and configuration settings. Additionally, the Client must have a registered domain for the service.
    4. While using the service, the Client uploads data such as binary files, content, messages, contacts, etc. This data belongs to the Client or the End Users who have placed it there. PUQ does not confirm or deny ownership or copyright rights to the data, nor does it verify their content. Client data stored in the service may be encrypted, and PUQ may not have access to it unless granted by the Client.
    5. The Client is responsible for the data stored in the service and for securing the logins and passwords of End Users. The Client may use the services in a manner permitted by the rules defined in the Terms of Service and applicable law, including regulations regarding the use of the service in international markets. The services are not intended for individuals under 18 years of age and may not be used by them.
    6. The Client can assign administrator roles to End Users through the administrator console. PUQ is not responsible for the internal management or administration of the services for the Client. The Client acknowledges that if the Client acquires the services through resellers and designates a person indicated by the reseller as an administrator, it means that the reseller may have control over account-related information, including Client data, and access to the services.
    7. The Client is obligated to prevent unauthorized use of the services by End Users and to terminate any unauthorized use or access to the services. The Client shall promptly notify PUQ of any attempts of unauthorized use or access to the services.
    8. If the Client uses services or applications of third-party websites, such as services that utilize PUQ's API within the service:
      1. PUQ is not liable for any actions or omissions by third-party websites, including the use or access to Client data by third-party websites.
      2. PUQ does not provide any warranty or technical support for any services provided by third-party websites.
  4. Price for the Service and Payment
    1. The price for the Service consists of a monthly subscription fee, an installation fee, and an hourly rate for additional services.
    2. Within the monthly subscription fee, the Client is entitled to use 1 hour of additional services per month.
    3. The Client may increase the package and/or add other paid features to their account if available.
    4. Invoices will be issued as follows:
      1. For the monthly subscription fee - on the first day of the subscription period.
      2. For the installation fee - after the service is activated.
      3. For the utilization of additional services - after the end of the month in which the services were provided if the number of hours exceeds the specified limit mentioned in paragraph 2.
    5. Seven days before the end of the subscribed subscription, the Client will receive a proforma invoice from the PUQ system, which should be paid by the end of the current subscription period.
    6. The Client agrees to make payment for the Service based on the proforma invoice issued according to the Client's provided data within the Client Panel, within 7 days from the date of its issuance.
    7. Upon payment of the proforma invoice, PUQ will issue a VAT invoice to the Client. The VAT invoice will be sent to the Client electronically within 7 days from the date of confirming the payment of the Subscription Fee to the PUQ's designated bank account specified in the proforma invoice or immediately in the case of online payment.
    8. All documents, including unpaid proforma invoices and VAT invoices, are accessible in the Client Panel at https://puqcloud.com.
    9. Invoices will be sent electronically to the Client's email address specified in the Client Panel.
    10. The Service Provider is not liable for any consequences resulting from delays or failures in the recording of the Subscription Fee on the Recipient's bank account, caused by third parties, in particular postal entrepreneurs, banks, proxies, messengers, and others.
  5. Terms of Agreement Formation and Termination
    1. PUQ or the Client have the right to terminate the Agreement without observing the notice period if the circumstances specified in the Terms and Conditions are met, such as:
    2. Material breach of the Agreement by the other party, which is not remedied within thirty days from receiving a written notice.
    3. Termination of activities or initiation of bankruptcy proceedings against the other party.
    4. Other circumstances specified in the Terms and Conditions.
    5. PUQ has the right to terminate the provision of the Services in unforeseen situations or when required by legal requirements, as well as for reasons beyond the control of PUQ. In such cases, PUQ will notify the Client in advance to enable the retrieval of the data stored in the Service.
    6. The Terms and Conditions specify the conditions for the formation and termination of the agreement between PUQ and the Client. The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and may be terminated by either party with the next settlement period.
  6. Acceptable Use Policy
    1. Acceptable use of the Service includes:
      1. Installing the Service on compatible devices.
      2. Storing, editing, and deleting files and content using the Service.
      3. Sharing files and content with other Service Clients and third parties.
    2. Prohibited actions include:
      1. Using the Service for activities where the use or failure of the Service may lead to physical harm, death, or bodily injury.
      2. Probing, scanning, or testing vulnerabilities of any system or network forming part of the Service.
      3. Performing reverse engineering.
      4. Violating or circumventing any security measures or authentication methods.
      5. Accessing, manipulating, or exploiting non-public areas or parts of the Service that the Client is not authorized to access.
      6. Disrupting or interfering with any user, host, or network, including sending viruses, overloading, flooding, or spamming any part of the Service.
      7. Accessing, searching, or creating access accounts to the Service using any means other than publicly supported interfaces (e.g., "scraping") and creating them en masse.
      8. Sending altered, deceptive, or false source-identifying information, including "spoofing" or "phishing."
      9. Promoting or advertising products or services other than one's own without proper authorization.
      10. Selling the Service without proper authorization.
      11. Publishing or sharing materials that constitute illegal pornography, are indecent, or contain extreme manifestations of violence.
      12. Promoting bigotry or hatred against any individual or group based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual preferences, disability, or weakness.
      13. Violating the law in any way, including by storing, publishing, or sharing materials that are untrue, defamatory, misleading, or infringe on the privacy or rights of others.
    3. The Client agrees not to use the Service in a manner inconsistent with its intended purpose and not to enable or assist third parties in achieving such purposes.
    4. The acceptable use policy applies accordingly to the software provided as part of the Service.
    5. The Client is responsible for ensuring that End Users use the Service within the bounds of acceptable use.
  7. Suspension of Service Provision
    1. The Client may stop using the Service at any time in accordance with the provisions of the terms and conditions.
    2. If an End User:
      1. Violates the provisions of this policy.
      2. Uses the Services in a manner that may result in PUQ's liability,
      3. PUQ may request the Client to suspend or close the End User's account. If the Client fails to suspend or close the End User's account, PUQ may do so directly by suspending the provision of the Service.
    3. Without limiting the provisions of this policy, in the event of a security threat, PUQ may automatically suspend access to the Services. PUQ will make every effort to limit the scope of the suspension to what is necessary to prevent or remove the threat.
    4. PUQ may suspend or terminate the provision of the Services if the payment deadline is exceeded, and the Client has not settled the obligations within 7 days from the date of receiving the proforma invoice.
  8. Intellectual Property
    1. The service is protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other rights. The Terms and Conditions do not grant the Customer any rights or titles to the service, third-party content within the service, PUQ trademarks, its logo, and other protected brand elements.
    2. Except as explicitly stated in the Terms and Conditions, the Agreement does not grant:
      1. PUQ any intellectual property rights to Customer's data;
      2. Customer any intellectual property rights to the service or PUQ trademarks, its logo, and other protected brand elements.
    3. PUQ may use, modify, incorporate into products and services, license, and sublicense any opinions, comments, or suggestions regarding the service, sent by the Customer or End Users, or posted on PUQ forums, without any obligations towards the Customer.
  9. Liability

    1. The service is provided "as is" and "as available." To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither the Client nor PUQ, its affiliates, suppliers, and distributors provide any warranties, express, implied, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Client is responsible for using the services or software in accordance with the terms specified in the Terms of Service and for creating backups of data stored in the Service.
    2. PUQ is responsible for the actions or omissions of its subcontractors or processors and for any obligations arising from such subcontracting.
    3. Except for PUQ's financial obligations, neither PUQ nor the Client shall be liable for any improper performance of this agreement resulting from circumstances beyond the Parties' control (e.g., acts of God, war or terrorism, riots, workplace conditions, government action, and internet disruptions).
    4. To the fullest extent permitted by law, except for PUQ's or the Client's obligation to pay damages, neither the Client nor PUQ, its affiliates, suppliers, and distributors shall be liable for:
      1. incidental, special, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages,
      2. loss of data, revenue, or profits (both direct and indirect), regardless of whether the party has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose
    5. PUQ does not exclude or limit its own liability in cases of unlawful acts, including liability for fraud or intentional misrepresentation by PUQ or its affiliates during the provision of the service.
    6. In countries where the following types of exclusions are not permitted, PUQ's liability is limited solely to the damages that are reasonably foreseeable as a result of PUQ's conduct without the exercise of reasonable care and skill or a breach of the Terms of Service by PUQ.
    7. In countries where exclusions or limitations of liability are permitted, PUQ, its affiliates, suppliers, or distributors shall not be liable for:
      1. any indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages or
      2. any loss of use, data, orders, or profits, regardless of the legal basis.
    8. These exclusions or limitations apply whether or not PUQ or its affiliates have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
    9. If the Client uses the services for commercial, business, or resale purposes, PUQ, its affiliates, suppliers, or distributors shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of orders, business interruption, or loss of opportunity. PUQ and its affiliates shall not be liable for the conduct of any user of the services, whether on the Internet or offline.
    10. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the total liability of PUQ under this agreement shall not exceed the amount paid by the Client to PUQ within 12 months preceding the date of the obligation.
    11. PUQ shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Client harmless from any liabilities, damages, and costs (including settlement costs and reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of third-party claims based on the assumption that the technology used by PUQ to provide the services to the Client infringes any copyrights, trade secrets, valid patents, or trademarks of third parties. In no event shall PUQ have any obligations or liability arising from:
      1. Use of any services and software in a modified form or in conjunction with materials not provided by PUQ,
      2. any content, information, or data provided by the Client, End Users, or other third parties.
    12. The Client shall indemnify, defend, and hold PUQ harmless from any liabilities, damages, and costs (including settlement costs and reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from third-party claims against PUQ and its affiliates based on:
      1. the Client's data,
      2. the Client's domains, 
      3. the Client's use of the Service in violation of this Terms of Service.
    13. Notwithstanding any other provisions in the Terms of Service, PUQ may provide functionality in a testing phase, referred to as Beta Services. With respect to Beta Services:
      1. The Client may choose to use Beta Services at their discretion.
      2. Beta Services may not be supported and may change at any time without notice to the Client.
      3. Beta Services may not be as reliable or available as the Service.
      4. Beta Services are not subject to the same security measures and controls as the Service.
      5. PUQ shall have no liability arising out of or in connection with Beta Services— the Client uses them at their own risk.
  10. Reporting Service Issues
    1. The Customer has the right and ability to report issues through the ticketing system in the customer panel at https://puqcloud.com
    2. The report can only concern the purchased service.
    3. Unless otherwise stated in the Terms and Conditions of the provided service, PUQ guarantees a service availability level of 99.59% on an annual basis. In the event of service interruptions exceeding the allowable downtime during the paid subscription period, PUQ will extend the customer's subscription period by 2 days for every 24 hours of cumulative downtime.
    4. The following circumstances are not counted towards the determination of SLA parameter breaches:
      1. Downtime caused by force majeure events;
      2. Technical downtime, provided it does not exceed 8 hours at a time and does not occur more than five times within each consecutive 12-month period of service usage;
      3. Downtime caused by actions taken by PUQ in compliance with applicable laws, particularly in matters of defense, state security, and public safety and order.
    5. If a problem accessing the services is confirmed, as indicated on the service status page at https://puqcloud.com/serverstatus.php, the Customer must promptly submit a report through the panel at https://puqcloud.com, but no later than when the service status returns to normal. Failure to report the outage within the specified timeframe will result in the Customer forfeiting any claims against PUQ, including claims for issue resolution, payment reduction for the period of the outage, and any compensatory claims.
    6. Each report should be submitted by the Customer through the panel at https://puqcloud.com. Phone and email reports will not be considered, except in situations where the https://puqcloud.com panel is not functioning and prevents the creation of a new report. In such cases, the Customer may make a phone report by calling: +48 22 525 3333.
    7. The Customer is required to include the following information in the service report:
      1. Selection of the relevant service (field: "related service");
      2. Detailed description of the problem or outage;
      3. Identification data of the User's account and the service to which the report pertains.
    8. PUQ undertakes to address the reports submitted by the Customer as quickly as possible. In the event of a PUQ-side outage (as indicated on the service status page at https://puqcloud.com/serverstatus.php) that prevents service usage, PUQ will promptly proceed to resolve the issue. PUQ will rectify/remove the outage:
      1. Free of charge – if the outage is solely caused by factors within PUQ's control, PUQ's network, or equipment, and not a result of the Customer's violation of the terms of the agreement;
      2. At a fee – in all other cases.
  11. Deliveries
    1. Notifications and other correspondence related to the execution of the Agreement will be sent by electronic mail to the addresses provided by PUQ and the Customer in the customer panel. They will be deemed delivered upon receipt confirmation.
    2. Notifications and other correspondence may also be sent to the registered office address or mailing address of the respective party.
  12. Data Processing Information
    1. PUQ will process the Client's data in order to provide the Services and fulfill the obligations arising from this agreement.
    2. As of May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") has been in effect, introducing consistent principles for the protection of personal data across the European Union. In this regard, PUQ informs that:
      1. PUQ is the Data Controller for the Client's personal data.
      2. The Data Controller can be contacted:
        1. by phone at +48 22 525 3333.
        2. by email at [email protected]
        3. by mail at PUQ, ul. Szczęsna 26, 02-454 Warszawa, Polska
    3. The Data Controller can be contacted for all matters related to the processing of the Client's personal data and the exercise of the Client's rights related to data processing.
    4. Personal data is processed for the following purposes:
      1. contractual purposes - the legal basis for data processing is the performance of the contract (Art. 6(1)(b) of the GDPR),
      2. marketing purposes - the legal basis for data processing is PUQ's legitimate interest in marketing its own products and services (Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR),
      3. establishing/defending claims or handling complaints, and pursuing and defending against mutual claims - the legal basis for data processing is PUQ's legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR),
      4. compliance with legal obligations under EU or Polish law - the legal basis for data processing is the fulfillment of legal requirements (Art. 6(1)(c) of the GDPR),
      5. sending commercial information electronically - only if the User has given consent. The legal basis for data processing is consent (Art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).
    5. Categories of recipients of personal data - Recipients of the Client's personal data may include entities from the following categories:
      1. entities authorized under applicable law (e.g., courts or government authorities),
      2. companies providing services in the field of mail delivery, data archiving, IT support, accounting and finance,
    6. Retention period - Personal data will be processed for the period necessary for the performance of the contract, and after that period for the purposes, time, and scope required by the provisions of the law or for securing any claims, or until the consent given is withdrawn.
    7. Rights of the data subject:
      1. the right to access their personal data,
      2. the right to rectify or complete the data if the data processed by the Controller is incorrect or incomplete,
      3. the right to request erasure of data from the Controller,
      4. the right to request restriction of data processing from the Controller,
      5. the right to data portability, i.e., the right to receive personal data provided to the Controller and transmit it to another controller,
      6. the right to object to data processing based on legitimate interests for direct marketing purposes,
      7. the right to withdraw consent at any time,
      8. the right to lodge a complaint with the Polish supervisory authority or the supervisory authority of another European Union member state, competent due to the data subject's habitual residence or place of work, or the place of the alleged infringement of the GDPR.
    8. Providing certain personal data is voluntary but necessary.
    9. PUQ will process the Client's data in accordance with the implemented Security Policy.
  13. Dispute Resolution
    1. Before filing a lawsuit, the Client and PUQ undertake to attempt to resolve the dispute amicably through a written notice sent to the other party's address indicated in the Client Panel.
    2. If the dispute is not resolved within thirty days from the date of the notice, the Client or PUQ may initiate proceedings before the competent court for PUQ's registered office.
    3. The Client may only resolve disputes with PUQ on an individual basis and may not bring a collective, consolidated, or class action. Class action arbitrations, class actions, representative actions, and consolidation with other arbitrations are not permitted.
  14. Complaint Procedure
    1. In the event of non-performance or inadequate performance of the Service by PUQ, the Client may file a complaint.
    2. The complaint should include:
      1. the Client's identification in a manner that allows for their identification,
      2. the name of the PUQ Service to which the complaint relates,
      3. the subject of the complaint,
      4. the circumstances justifying the complaint,
      5. the requested remedy,
      6. if the Client wishes the correspondence regarding the complaint to be sent to a different email address than the one indicated in the Client Panel - a clear request for the resolution of the complaint, along with the justification or other information related to the complaint, to be sent to that alternative email address, specifying the address.
    3. The complaint should be sent in writing - in paper form to the address indicated by PUQ in the Terms and Conditions or in electronic form - to the email address indicated by PUQ as the contact address.
    4. If the complaint does not contain the elements specified in point 2 above, the Client will be asked to complete the missing parts of the complaint.
    5. Subject to the second sentence, the complaint will be processed within 30 days from the date of its receipt by puqcloud.com. A complaint submitted by a Client who is a Consumer, concerning a PUQ Service consisting of the performance of a work within the meaning of the Civil Code or the sale of goods within the meaning of the Civil Code, will be processed within 14 days from the date of its receipt by PUQ. The period for completing the complaint by the Client is not included in the period for its processing.
    6. The resolution of the complaint along with the justification or other information related to the complaint will be sent to the Client at the email address indicated by the Client in the Client Panel as the contact email address, unless the Client explicitly requests the correspondence regarding the complaint to be sent to a different address and specifies that address. In case of doubt regarding the contact email address, PUQ will send the resolution of the complaint along with the justification or other information related to the complaint to the email address indicated by the Client in the Client Panel and to the email address indicated in the complaint (e.g., if the complaint does not explicitly request the resolution to be sent to a different email address than the one provided in the Client Panel but is sent on company letterhead indicating a different email address or is sent as an electronic message from a different email address than the one provided in the Client Panel, etc.).
  15. Final Provisions

    1. There is no partnership or agency relationship between PUQ and the Client; both parties are independent entities.
    2. PUQ reserves the right to amend the provisions of the Terms and Conditions in particularly justified cases, including in the event of changes in applicable law. Clients will be informed of any changes to the Terms and Conditions by posting the information about the changes on the website https://puqcloud.com. Any changes to the Terms and Conditions become effective within 14 days from their publication in the manner described above. The change to the Terms and Conditions does not affect rights acquired in relation to already concluded agreements. A Client who does not accept the changes to the Terms and Conditions has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect within 21 days from the date of the publication of the changes to the Terms and Conditions.
    3. PUQ may, at its own discretion, transfer this Agreement and any rights arising from it to third parties. PUQ may assign the performance of the Agreement to third parties. PUQ will inform the Client of any organizational or legal changes in the provision of the Service by sending an email to the contact address indicated in the Agreement.
    4. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Client and PUQ with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements applicable to that subject matter and takes precedence over them. The Terms and Conditions do not create any rights for third parties.
    5. A third party cannot become a beneficiary of the Agreement. End users are not third parties with respect to the Client's rights under this Agreement.
    6. For matters not regulated in this Terms and Conditions, the provisions of Polish law shall apply accordingly. In the case of using the Service in a country where agreements must be governed by the local law applicable to the consumer's country, the provisions of that law shall apply.
    7. PUQ reserves the right to make changes to the terms and conditions at any time, provided that such changes do not affect rights acquired by customers prior to the introduction of the changes.
    8. Any changes to the terms and conditions will be published on the PUQ website. The Customer is obliged to regularly review the content of the terms and conditions in order to track any changes.
    9. In the event of any misunderstandings or disputes between PUQ and its customers, the parties will attempt to resolve them through negotiation and settlement. In the event of failure to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be settled by the competent court.
    10. The Terms and Conditions come into effect on the date of their publication on the PUQ website and shall remain in force until changed or revoked by PUQ.
    11. In matters not regulated in this Terms and Conditions, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.
    12. This Terms and Conditions is available on the PUQ website.

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